Subscription Policy

Subscription Fees

  • Subscription renewal is automatically charged on the same date as the original purchase date of each corresponding month, or on the last date of the month if no corresponding date exists (I.E. February 28).

  • Subscriptions will be cancelled in the event credit card billing fails due to incomplete data or expired cards.

  • Access to content will be terminated if the subscription is cancelled or not renewed.

Cancelling Account

  • You can cancel your subscription at any time through your account profile page.

  • Requests via email, phone, or other methods are not permitted.  Cancellation must be completed via the profile page.

  • Access to the content will remain throughout the remainder of the paid subscription term. 

  • Accounts will lose access on the next scheduled billing of that subscription.  If your subscription is normally billed on the first of every month, then the account will lose access on the first of the month after the subscription has been cancelled.


  • Initial subscription fees are non-refundable.

  • Renewal subscription fees can be refunded by contacting Rank 5 Games customer service within two (2) calendar days of the renewal date to receive a full refund of the renewal subscription fees.