Security Capabilities & Policy
for Transmission of Payment Card Details

Customer Information Policy

Rank 5 Games collects your first and last name as well as an email address when creating an account.  To complete an order, we will require customers to enter credit card details.  Any other data that you provide on our forums or any other platform that allows you to enter text is solely at your discretion.

Customer Information Protection

Rank 5 Games uses a platform which complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.  Customer data for orders and payment processing is stored and transmitted encryption according to PCI-DSS.  We utilize secure server software (SSL) to encrypt your data in transit. 

Information you provide to Rank 5 Games forum posts are encrypted in transit, however, once posted, will be viewable by other customers of Rank 5 Games.  Please ensure you are only sharing information with other customers that is public information.

Credit Card Details

All credit card payments are processed ­securely through Stripe.

SSL Certificate

Rank 5 Games uses 256-bit SSL Encryption to protect your personal data, this includes account and credit card payments.